Monday, February 22, 2010

Reunion Night, 30th of Lunar Calendar

On 30th of Lunar Claendar, my family went to Restaurant Maple Palace to have our reunion dinner once a year. I quite appreciate this festival, Chinese New Year. It gathered all among our family and meet each other, chit-chatting with each other to improve the relationship among ourselves.

Two of the above is my cousin who we see each other once a year. They are staying in Beijing.

My brother, Derrick Eng.
Roasted pig.
The head and the teeth of the pig.

We can't finish the Poon-choi (in mandarin we call it as 盆菜), because it was too large for us.
Booking for movie ticket online.
Cocktail and beer.

Camera-ing in G-Spot , G Hotel.

My cousin, Nicholas Chan.
My self-taken picture as ending. Wish you a happy year.

Friday, February 19, 2010

An Unforgettable Sunset

Blue sky was disappeared in my mind. Everything was mess up when I get into 18 years old. 18, shall I be happy of you or get rid of you? When I was young, I always hope to get into 18 years old as soon as possible, but I've regret of it. Friendship and Love, YOU are like a SXXK!!! You ruined my life.

Thinking a lot of things when taking all these pictures. Why life could be so ridiculous? It was just like a joke. Some more, time was passing by like a lighting strike, no one can stop it. I was the one who wish to go back to the pass and arrange all the messed up things of mine.

The things in my mind is just like this picture. The sun will be covered up by the cloud, and everything will turn into darkness, hopeless at the end. Negative-thinking minded had reached my brain. Anyway, I'll try to toughen myself to face all of it.

Sunset, a beautiful scene in my mind. It comfort me and made me feel warm of it. Whatever I was thinking, sad or happy, it will made me forget all of it and reach the world of soft sunlight. Hope there will be a person can play the role of sunset, comfort me as well when I was sad.

At the end, a song can represent everything.

I'll Get Used to It - Show Luo

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